Using the AWS Graph Explorer with Fuseki and local datasets

An open source visual graph navigator.

When I first heard about the AWS Graph Explorer I assumed that it was a cloud-based tool for use with Neptune, the AWS cloud-based triplestore. After I read Fan Li’s First Impressions of the AWS Graph Explorer I realized that you can install this open source tool locally and point it at any SPARQL endpoint you want, so I cranked up Jena Fuseki on my laptop, loaded some data into it, and installed the Graph Explorer.

My command line OWL processor

With most of the credit going to to Ivan Herman.

I recently asked on Twitter about the availability of command line OWL processors. I got some leads, but most would have required a little coding or integration work on my part. I decided that a small project that I did with the OWL-RL Python library a few years ago gave me a head start on just creating my own OWL command line processor in Python. It was pretty easy.

You probably don't need OWL

And if you do there's a simple way to prove it.

During the course of my recent blog posts What is RDF?, What is RDFS?, What else can I do with RDFS?, and Taxonomy management with SKOS, some readers wondered if I would do a “What is OWL?” followup. I recommended to one inquirer that he read pages 39-41 and 263 - 269 of Learning SPARQL; I think that provides a pretty good introduction to OWL’s history and how to do some of the set-based logic that was an important part of its original intent.

What is RDFS?

And how much can a simple schema do for you?

RDFS, or RDF Schema, is a W3C standard specialized vocabulary for describing RDF vocabularies and data models. Before I discuss it further, though, I’d like to explain why the use of standardized, specialized vocabularies (whether RDFS itself or a vocabulary that someone uses RDFS to describe) can be useful beyond the advantages of sharing a vocabulary with others for easier interoperability.