Learn RDF in Y minutes

Where X = RDF

I have always loved the website Learn X in Y minutes, which provides short crash courses in several dozen programming languages plus additional topics such as set theory and git. Its home page tells us “Take a whirlwind tour of your next favorite language”; I’ll bet it’s especially popular with applicants on their way to job interviews where languages that are new to them are in the job description.

I have planned to add a SPARQL page, and I still haven’t. Four years ago they didn’t even have an SQL page, so as groundwork for a future SPARQL page I converted an old blog entry of my own SQL quick reference into a Learn SQL in Y minutes page for them. That has since been translated into Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, and Chinese.

More groundwork: I have just created a Learn RDF in Y minutes page that shows some Turtle syntax and a few basics of RDFS. The “Further Reading” section at the end points to my What is RDF? and What is RDFS? blog entries, which are more detailed introductions, but I hope that this taste of RDF’s value on the Learn X in Y minutes site helps to spread the word of RDF’s potential value to a broader audience.

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